You will always be my little Brother ♥ x

Created by ianmcloughlin17 3 years ago
I'm glad we straightend things out and spoke at our Nans funeral mate. Only being 11 months apart in age, growing up we were a double act, we did everything together; sports, fighting, scrumping, hitting conkers out the tree, knock down ginger, sitting on our Mum & Dads wall talking to strangers as they passed, and when we were 11 & 12 nicking Mums car for a quick spin only to be caught red-handed. We had many names for you mate, Keefy, Whiff, and Slasher, slasher as you would often take a wee in the wardrobe in the night. You may not be with me now mate, but you will always be my little Brother, and I have a lifetime of memories we shared together. RIP mate 😥❤ x
